there are good reasons to believe that a press release must be well optimized before posting it live.
Gone are the days where a webmaster could make a few changes to the code of a site and fool Google into thinking that a page was important and worthy of indexing. Google is working hard to improve the quality of the results in searches. It is now up the writer to provide the well optimized content that search engines love.
Some important factors to be considered while writing SEO content:
The first three words of the headline. The first three words of the headline are more important than all of the other words combined in determining the effectiveness of your press release with search engines. These first three words must contain the key words that you want to find your web site under when people do a search in Yahoo or Google.
Keyword density of the press release. You must use your target keywords the right number of times in the body of the press release in order for it to be effective. A good tool to determine keyword density is located here: This is a free tool designed specifically for press releases and determining their keyword density.
Do not include more than one link for each 200 words. Search engines like press releases with no hyperlinks even better.
Unique and descriptive keyword rich text is critically important. A bland press release without unique phrases may never be include in Google. Creating sentences and phrases that are not commonly found on the internet is the goal. Google and other search engines are constantly battling "duplicate content". They consider duplicate content to be spam. If your press release is well optimized, you should be able to find between 30 and 90 copies at various news sites by doing a Google search. If it is poorly optimized, you may not be able to find any copies. This Google algorithm isn't unique for press releases. The same algorithm is used for all types of content.
Use to check for uniqueness before distributing your press release. If sections of your press release have already been posted online, you will have a lot of trouble getting Google to index it again.
Reverse engineer the Google algorithm. See what content was indexed well and create more with a similar writing style.
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