YESSS Oil, LLC Offers low Capex Performance-Share Deployment Option

Increased Oil Production that is Safe, Significant and Sustainable YESSS Oil, LLC Offers low Capex Performance-Share Deployment Option [Oceanside, CA]—[April 26, 2016]— YESSS OIL announces their Performance-Share downhole heater deployment procurement option. In addition to their outright purchase and straight lease procurement options, YESSS OIL now offers a “no down” Performance-Lease option. This allows oil producers to deploy state-of-the-art production enhancement thermal electric downhole heaters without extensive capital expenditures (CAPEX). YESSS OIL’s systems provide magnitude production increases while extending pump life to provide uninterrupted oil production. Produced Water with its increasing disposal costs is greatly reduced and pump efficiencies are increased due to the elevated wellbore temperatures. Surface equipment is safe, quiet, and nearly maintenance free. YESSS OIL’s system replaces expensive surface steaming utilities and/or costly surfactants. YESSS’s systems require minimal CAPEX and the technology has been proven to provide consistent and predictable enhanced production with an expected life of at least 10 years. Adam Mackie-Director of YESSS OIL states: “YESSS OIL’s Performance-Share lease program is a significant statement in the confidence we have that our heaters will provide sustainable increases in our client’s revenues. With YESSS OIL providing the major components of a thermal electric downhole heating system with payment’s based on production increases, we are truly partnering with our clients for their success.” YESSS OIL is an innovative industry partner providing safe, low risk, affordable heating solutions for wells with their Performance-Share lease rrangement, offering you well production increases and remain predictable over the next decade with minimal frontend investment. About YESSS OIL With over a decade of successful & documented downhole heater deployment experience, YESSS OIL is your low risk, low CAPEX partner to assist you with increased profits from less downtime, higher production, and lower operating costs.YESSS Oil is your partner to provide safe For More Information, Please Contact: Jim Summers T. (805) 357-3732 M. (805) 888-7727 E.