Pigeon Lake Challenges Alberta Communities To Help Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatments

Bosom Buddies, a not for profit society located at Pigeon Lake Alberta, is excited to announce an Alberta wide community challenge to help raise funds for the Patient Financial Assistance Program of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Pigeon Lake, Ab (MMD Newswire) April 26, 2016 -- Bosom Buddies raises funds by hosting a fun annual event where the community participates by donating in many ways. To date we have raised $148,000 -Bosom Buddies is a community group of volunteers whose goal is to raise funds for the Patient Financial Assistance Program of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. All funds go to patients undergoing cancer treatments when they cannot afford to pay for things like groceries, utilities, rides to the treatment centre etc. Read the impact statement. Founded by Donna Payne in 2002, the Bosom Buddies program was created when her daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer. Donna immediately saw that there was no way a single low income mother could afford to have cancer. Without the help of her parents, Donna's daughter would have lost her home and been forced to move while she suffered. Donna was concerned for those who couldn't get help and so Bosom Buddies was created. There are many people who don't have the means to provide the necessities when cancer strikes like parents of children who are stricken, husbands whose wives are in treatment, seniors on fixed incomes, young families who can barely afford babysitting while mom needs treatment, the list is endless. The need for financial assistance can devastate a family. Cancer strikes unexpectedly and suddenly patients need costly medications, child care, accommodation and even parking money. Many patients have no Blue Cross and it takes 3 months to acquire it. If the patient is the primary breadwinner then they can find themselves with only 55% of their income. Many live away from the City and need accommodation that can be quite lengthly, especially in the case of radiation that can go on for many weeks. It is a very humbling experience for most of these patients and their families to ask for help. We have the means. Millions of dollars are raised every year for Cancer research. It is the goal of "Bosom Buddies" to keep raising money to give to the Alberta Cancer Foundation, specifically to the Patient Financial Assistance Program. This year, our goal is to raise $50,000. Donna says: "It is exciting to bring hope to those who may be feeling hopeless!" Now Donna, founder of Bosom Buddies Pigeon Lake, challenges Alberta communities to join us and help raise funds for the Patient Financial Assistance Program of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Visit http://www.bosombuddiespl.com/Community-Challenge or call Shirley Hauptman at 780-586-2332 for more information on how to get involved.