Certified Athletic Therapist and Chiropractor Dr. Jennifer Harrison featured on A&E

Dr. Jennifer Harrison was recently seen on Bravo and A&E around the United States as a guest on Hollywood Live. Calgary, Alberta – April 22, 2016— Dr. Jennifer Harrison was recently featured as a guest on Hollywood Live. The show was filmed in Los Angeles, California in the penthouse of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, overlooking Hollywood Boulevard. Dr. Jennifer was featured on the show, hosted by Jack Canfield, best-selling author and co-creator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Dr. Jennifer was given the chance to share expertise in the business. Watch Dr. Jennifer’s appearance on Hollywood Live here. To learn more about Dr. Jennifer and her services, please visit www.drjenniferharrison.com. More About Dr. Jennifer Harrison: Dr. Harrison works as a Certified Athletic Therapist and Chiropractor in a multi-disciplinary clinic in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She is a speaker, as well as an educator, and teaches continuing education courses to both health care professionals and lay people. She is an Editor's Choice Award winning, international best-selling author with her chapter Overcoming Overwhelm that was featured in Jack Canfield's book the Soul of Success: Volume 1. In her own book, Stressed Self to Best Self™: A Body Mind Spirit Guide to Creating a Happier and Healthier You, she shares a number of simple but powerful strategies designed to help people who are overwhelmed by stress. ### Contact: Kasey Kalchert Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency ® kasey@dnagency.com